My Winning Response:
One of the most basic human rights are right to life, liberty, and security. Acts that limit or violate these rights, such as slavery, forced imprisonment, and torture are prohibited under customary international law and international conventions. To safeguard these rights and to bring to justice those violate them, a group of states agreed in 1998 to set up an independent international criminal court that would prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes.
The Court is now fully functional with over 100 state parties, but cooperation to the Court is not guaranteed universally and there are still many major states, including the United States, Russia, and China that not only remain a non-state party to the Court's statute but even oppose it. One of the ways to strengthen this international justice system is by lobbying to the governments to support the Court, and join the statute that acknowledges its jurisdiction. I've done so by lobbying my own government in Japan. And Japan became the 105th state party to join the Court. Other non-state parties and their citizens, should follow suit.授賞解答:
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