ソース:プレスリリース:グリーンピース、ロンドン条約締約国会議で、汚染水問題に国際協力を呼び掛け 「STOP汚染水の海洋放出」署名11,393筆も安倍首相宛てに提出 | 国際環境NGOグリーンピース(プレスリリース - 2013-10-18)
Green Peace Japan has released a briefing paper on Japan's international responsibility on the leakage of Fukushima's radiated water to the sea dated 10/17/2013 (Japanese) in preparation for the Assembly of States Parties of the London Convention, or Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter.
Unfortunately the report is not available in English yet. So I will provide a tentative translation of its Conclusion which impressed me albeit its belated introduction, because I pursued the possibility of holding the Japanese government accountable through UNCLOS (UN Convention on the Law of the Sea)over a year ago. Needless to say, they did a much detailed job on it.
In the marine environment, it is difficult to project the effects on the environment, and even more difficult to substantiate it. Hence, regulatory approach to protecting the marine environment from dumping of wastes must in principle be a preventative approach. It is for this reason that strict, preventative rules were devised that would not prompt for the substantiation of the effects of the waste dumping to the marine environment. Unfortunately, this approach has not been employed for the sources of most of the land-based contamination in the world today.
The radioactive wastes stored in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant contain radio active isotopes with very long half-life that could end up in a widespread diffusion in the marine environment. Even if the level of contamination is not as severe to have an immediate adverse effect on the marine life, its concentration could increase to a level above the food safety standards and may end up in closing some of the fishing grounds. Presumably, this is the reason behind the renewed interests expressed by the Pacific Rim countries such as South Korea, China, and the United States on the concerns regarding the issue of contaminated water from the Fukushima plant.
Allowing a situation to materialize where a leakage of high-level radiated water to the marine environment cannot be halted in itself clearly violates the principles of various international conventions and treaties that serve to protect the marine environment. Japan's international responsibility for early resolution of the problem is now in question.
Also see: Japan must explain how it will stop water leaks at Fukushima - Greenpeace (Press release - August 8, 2013)
Source:Green Peace Japan Press Release dated 10-18-2013 (Japanese)
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