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来月12月1日から日本で訪問調査を行う予定だった国連人権委員会の「表現の自由」に関する特別報告者(Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights to Freedom of Opinion and Expression)である デビット・ケイ(David Kaye)氏は17日、先週14日に日本政府により突如、訪問実施の「中止」を伝えられた事実を自身でFreedex(※)のブログに綴った。以下はその全文の翻訳(英日併記)。
Freedexとは: 国連特別報告者であるケイ氏が個人として所属大学であるカリフォルニア大学アーバイン校(UCI)法学部の『国際司法クリニック』とのコラボレーションで運営する「表現の自由」(Freedom of expression)問題に関する活動サイト。サイトの免責事項には「当サイトは国連人権高等弁務官事務所により管理運営されておらず、その内容は国連の公式な立場を表すものではありません」と記載されている。 

Cancellation of Official Visit to Japan

During my presentation before the Third Committee of the General Assembly in October, I was able to announce that the Government of Japan had issued me an invitation to conduct an official visit from 1 to 8 December. A visit would be an important moment to evaluate certain aspects of freedom of expression in the country, such as the implementation of the 2013 Act on Specially Designated Secrets (about which the Human Rights Committee expressed concern last year), online rights, media freedom, and access to information. I have previously met with Japanese officials and members of civil society to learn more about these issues and looked forward to a productive visit.

We had been deep in the work of setting up meetings and preparing for the visit. Unfortunately, last Friday, the Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva indicated that my visit would not take place as the Government would not be able to arrange meetings with relevant officials. The Government suggested postponing the visit until the fall of 2016. 
I asked the Japanese authorities to reconsider their decision, but the Mission confirmed to me yesterday that the visit will not go forward and is now canceled.  Of course, I hope that the visit will be rescheduled. In the meantime, we will continue to engage with the Government – as we do with all governments – through regular communications, meetings in Geneva and New York, and other opportunities as they arise.

2015/11/17 David Kaye

1 件のコメント:

  1. 来年夏の選挙後になるというのは、選挙に影響を避けたいからかとしか。


Thanks for your comments!