photo by kind courtesy of @atuktekt (*click the photo for details)




Nuclear power is so expensive compared with other forms of energy that it has become "really hard" to justify, 

原子力設備の世界最大規模の供給元である米ゼネラル・エレクトリック(GE)社の最高経営責任者(CEO)であるジェフ・イメルト(Jeff Imelt)氏はこう述べた。 
"It's really a gas and wind world today,"


... natural gas becomes "permanently cheap"
「石油会社の経営責任者らの話を聞くと、ほとんどいつも、どこにでもあるガスの話になる。もはや原子力を正当化するのは、ひじょうに難しくなってきている。 ガスはあまりにも安い。結局、最終的には経済性の問題となる。」―イメルト氏は週末、ロンドンで行われたフィナンシャルタイムズの取材にこう応えた。
"When I talk to the guys who run the oil companies they say look, they're finding more gas all the time. It's just hard to justify nuclear, really hard. Gas is so cheap and at some point, really, economics rule,"
"So I think some combination of gas, and either wind or solar ... that's where we see most countries around the world going."

Mr Immelt's comments underline the impact on the global energy landscape of the US shale gas revolution, Japan's 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdown and falling prices for some types of renewable power.
これらの要素は、公的助成なしで原子力発電所を新設しようとしている英国などの国には大きなジレンマとなっている。同国の連立与党は、2030年までに電力セクターを限りなくゼロエミッションに近づけるため、新たな数値目標を設定するか否かで意見が割れている。保守党のジョージ・オズボーン(George Osborne)財務大臣が反対する一方で、多くの自民党議員は支持しているからだ。
"I think standards sometimes really drive innovation," he said. "To a certain extent at least, knowing what the rules are and being able to innovate against it is not a bad thing."

"We've got them all, so in some ways when you have them all you don't have to be so smart about anything," 


Related: ロイター (UK), ロイター(日本)
Original report by: CNN via Fiancial Times
Japanese report by: Asashi Shinbum
Article adapted by: Office BALÉS


EXCLUSIVE: Protesters chain themselves to resist riot squad as Oi nuclear power plant prepares for restart tomorrow in Fukui Prefecture

Protesters chain themselves to resist riot squad as Oi nuclear power plant prepares for restart tomorrow in Fukui Prefecture

An exclusive report from Fukui 
by Ryusaku Tanaka  

June 30, 2012 21:55  

"How can you allow the restart of such a dangerous nuclear power plant?" said a woman holding her child while glaring fiercely at the riot police officer at the entrance of the Oi nuclear power plant. (Photo: Ryusaku Tanaka)
Nuclear reactor No.3  of Oi nucelar power plant operated by Kansai Electric Power Co. in Fukui prefecture is set to be restarted tomorrow, meaning that the fuel rods will be removed to initiate nuclear fission.

On Saturday, the day before the restart, a crowd of protestors determined to stop the restart repeatedly clashed with the riot squad of local Fukui Prefecture Police Force.

Fifty of the protesters guarded both sides of the iron fence built by the electric company, attempting to block the power plant emloyees from entering the premise. They chained themselves to the iron fence, using their body as shields to prevent penetration. Several cars (4-5) were also chained up.

They are determined to completely block off the entrance to the power plant.

The riot squad arrived in less than half an hour.
"You are in violation of the road traffic act. Leave immediately." 
They warned repeatedly using the loudspeakers.
"Go back to your base!"
The protesters responded.

The protesters chained themselves to the iron fence. (Photo: Ryusaku Tanaka)

While rain continued to pour on them, the confrontation between the protestors and the police that started at 4 o'clock in the afternoon went on for hours evern after getting dark. The rain slowly eat away their body temperature.
"You have feelings too, don't you?" 
A woman holding a young child said drawing close to a police officer.
"Why don't you get it that you are taking away our children's future?"
All he could say, however with a sense of reluctance, was this.
"It's against the law to occupy a public road." 

Of course. Even a police officer is born from its mother.
The officer could have his own child back in his office.

The Oi power plant's restart could mark the first of a series of nationwide restarts. 

Protesters and the police that must clash in constant high alert--if you see it from a different perspective, they could both be regarded as victims of the current Noda regime.

Original report by: Ryusaku Tanaka of Tanaka Ryusaku Journal
Article adapted by: Office BALÉS