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A comment to the author of "Politics Strains US-Japan Ties" | The Diplomat/米誌The Diplomatの記事「日米関係に緊張をもたらす日本の政治手法」の著者に対するコメント

I came across an article written by reportedly current member of the US government who is still on record as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of Legislative Affairs in the State Department.

Reading his assertive remarks such as "the administration of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is playing politics with the 2006 US-Japanese agreement", "real reason I believe Hatoyama is withholding a decision on Futenma:  to obtain the votes of those Okinawans and a vocal minority of other Japanese who are opposed to US troops on Japanese soil", "leaves no doubt in my mind that a final decision will be further delayed until after the July 2010 Upper House elections", prompted me to post an immediate response as a comment to his article. I will post my comment here for the record regardless of whether or not my comment will be authorized by the editor.

As a Japanese national working in the Japanese legislature I cannot condone this remark coming from the current Deputy Assistant Secretary of State of our supposedly closest ally, saying that our head of the government is "withholding a decision on Futenma" for the minuscule aim to "obtain the votes of those Okinawans and a vocal minority of other Japanese who are opposed to US troops on Japanese soil."

First of all, from what position does Mr.Starr make this assertion that only a "vocal minority" of our people are opposed to having "US troops on Japanese soil"? We don't have an updated, reliable national poll on this one in Japan and neither should your government. I would like to ask the basis of Mr. Starr's assertion on this point.

Secondly, how could a person working under the foreign service of one state assert publicly the motive of the head of the government of another sovereign state based on such simplistic, personal assumption? I find it very inappropriate, insulting, and destructive in its nature to make such an assumption.

If there is a clear basis for this argument I would also like to hear it.

Finally, although it is understandable that your government as well as your legislature is "more than a little disappointed" that the "important relationship" may be called into question by the action or inaction of the Hatoyama Administration, I still feel it is inappropriate to assert that the head of the government of your ally is weighting national political realities over the bilateral obligations that both states agreed are "important", unless you are knowingly making such remarks that would present as "gaiatsu" to the foreign as well as domestic press, with the intent to further strain the already strained bilateral relations.
米誌The Diplomatの記事「仮訳:日米関係に緊張をもたらす日本の政治手法」に対するコメント

the administration of Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is playing politics with the 2006 US-Japanese agreement

real reason I believe Hatoyama is withholding a decision on Futenma:  to obtain the votes of those Okinawans and a vocal minority of other Japanese who are opposed to US troops on Japanese soil.)

leaves no doubt in my mind that a final decision will be further delayed until after the July 2010 Upper House elections








尚、著者のJoel Starr氏は、ブッシュ政権下(2007~2009年)で国務次官補代理を務め、国務省公式プロフィールによると、現在は、議会(下院)担当国務次官補代理として連邦議会下院と国務省の関係調整を担当。また、米海軍法務部(JAG)予備群所属の海軍少佐でもある。

Written and translated by Etranger

4 件のコメント:

Armchair Asia さんのコメント...

Joel Starr is not with the US State Department.

He is aide to US Senator James Inhofe who was recently selected to be the Minority (ranking) Head of the Senate subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Inhofe is one of the nuttiest and stupidest members of the Senate. Starr is no Einstein either.

He is a Republican and his job is to discredit the Obama Administration and to highlight what it appears to do wrong--such as weaken our alliances.

etranger さんのコメント...

Thank you, Armchair.
So I believe this bio is outdated.

Though it does say "07" on the URL I thought the Sate Department would not leave a Biography of a former staff as 'current' which can be easily searched.

Max von Schuler-Kobayashi さんのコメント...


アメリカ人の他国の国民の心についても、同じです。まず、アメリカ人はどんな問題でもアメリカ特別さ(American Exceptionalism)の考えから、その問題解決を探します。簡単に説明すると、アメリカ特別さは、アメリカは世界で一番素晴しい国です。それと、世界のどんな国民でも、どんな民族でも、心の底の秘密の欲望はアメリカ人に成りたいと、アメリカ人がこう言う事を信じています。



Hiroさんのブログを読んで、このJoel Starrさん、アメリカ外交官は、完璧に普通のアメリカ特別さの考え方をしています。沖縄県民、それと日本国民、日本で米兵の存在がとても反対の事を理解出来ません。そのStarrさんの考えで,何か他の理由が有ります、どこか日本のリーダーが何か邪魔していると考えます。それで、鳩山総理大臣は選挙の為に解決を延ばしていると思っています。




etranger さんのコメント...

Thank you, Maxさん
