photo by kind courtesy of @atuktekt (*click the photo for details)


勝手訳:"Forbidden Colours" by David Sylvian

Click the title for the true-to-the original translation of this song.

邦画『戦場のメリークリスマス』の本編では決して使われることのなかった隠れた名曲がある。デイビッド・シルヴィアン(David Sylvian)という英国アーティストが、坂本龍一作曲の『戦場のメリークリスマス』(原題「Merry Christamas, Mr Lawrence」)に歌詞をつけ編曲したもので『Forbidden Colours』(邦題「禁じられた色彩」)という曲だ。




俺はこの曲を繰り返し聴くうち、この曲が映画本編で使われてもおかしくならないテーマを感じ取った。それは、「禁じられた色彩」=戦時における人間愛の発現。これこそが「Foribidden Colours」なのではないかということ。そしてこの色は戦時には交わることが禁じられ、戦争が持つ色の無い、灰色の世界を彩る色彩(いろどり)の誕生こそが、戦時に禁じられる人間愛の発現なのではないか、そうした戦時における、人としての当然の心の葛藤を訴えたいのではないか。


Readaptation by Etranger

手にした傷は けっして 癒えることはない

信じてさえいれば報われると 私は思っていた

彼らとの間には 越えられない 距たりがある
イエスの教えに従うべきか 内なる衝動に委ねるべきか

この愛は 禁じられた色彩を帯びる
けれども私は 人の営みを信じる

無数の人々が喜んで 命を捧げていく
それでも 何も残らないのか?

私は心の奥深くに 自分の気持ちを沈める

この愛は 禁じられた色彩を帯びる
けれども 私はいま一度 人の営みを信じる

己の拠って立つ所すら 信じきれないのに
何もかも盲目に 信じこもうとしつつ
答えのない問いを 繰り返す自分がいる

彼らとの間に 越えられない距たりを感じる 私がいる
イエスの教えに従うべきか 心変わりすべきか

この愛は 禁じられた色彩を帯びる
けれども私は 人の営みを信じる
この愛は 禁じられた色彩を帯びる
けれども 私はいま一度 人の営みを信じる

Original lyrics by David Sylvian (thru dictation) 

The wounds on your hands never seem to heal
I thought all I needed was to believe

Here am i, a lifetime away from you
The blood of christ, or the beat of my heart
My love wears forbidden colours
My life believes

Senseless years thunder by
Millions are willing to give their lives for you
Does nothing live on?

Learning to cope with feelings aroused in me
My hands in the soil, buried inside of myself
My love wears forbidden colours
My life believes in you once again

I'll go walking in circles
While doubting the very ground beneath me
Trying to show unquestioning faith in everything
Here are you and i, a lifetime away from you
The blood of christ, or a change of heart

My love wears forbidden colours
My life believes
My love wears forbidden colours
My life believes in you once again


My Full Winning Response to The Sergio Contest#3(「セルジオ」DVDコンテストでの授賞解答全文)

CONTEST #3 QUESTION: The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines HUMAN RIGHTS as "(n) rights (as freedom from unlawful imprisonment, torture, and execution) regarded as belonging fundamentally to all persons" What are some basic Human Rights and how can we support Human Rights around the world?


My Winning Response:

One of the most basic human rights are right to life, liberty, and security. Acts that limit or violate these rights, such as slavery, forced imprisonment, and torture are prohibited under customary international law and international conventions. To safeguard these rights and to bring to justice those violate them, a group of states agreed in 1998 to set up an independent international criminal court that would prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes. 
The Court is now fully functional with over 100 state parties, but cooperation to the Court is not guaranteed universally and there are still many major states, including the United States, Russia, and China that not only remain a non-state party to the Court's statute but even oppose it. One of the ways to strengthen this international justice system is by lobbying to the governments to support the Court, and join the statute that acknowledges its jurisdiction. I've done so by lobbying my own government in Japan. And Japan became the 105th state party to join the Court. Other non-state parties and their citizens, should follow suit.





Click the title for the original post "How to know if you are behaving ethically as a journalist: Jay Rosen’s checklist" by Prof. Jay Rosen

前回「真・ジャーナリズム入門」として抜粋訳を紹介したニューヨーク大学ジャーナリズム学部のジェイ・ローゼン(Jay Rosen助教授が、2009年12月の講義でも為になる考察を提供していることを知り、さっそく読みながら翻訳してみた。今回は対象記事が短いので日英併記とする(実は、これが一番作業しやすい)。


How to know if you are behaving ethically as a journalist: Jay Rosen’s checklist

Presented today to my class in press ethics at NYU

1. Your primary interest is in telling the truth and documenting the real.

1. 自分の第一の関心は、「真実」を伝え、「事実」を記録することである。 ( )

2. You’ve eliminated, drastically minimized or clearly revealed any conflicts of interest you may have in telling the truth.

2.「真実」を伝えるにあたり生じる利害関係を、明示、最小化、あるいは完全に消化している。( )

3. You’ve told us what we need to know in order to know where you're coming from, and to decide how much credence we should give your account.

3. どのような立場から情報を伝えているかを読者に明確にし、読者が報道の信頼性を推し量るための材料を与えている。( )

4. You have not relied on deception, lying or trickery to obtain the information in your account.

4.嘘や誤魔化し、策を弄して報道に使う情報を入手していないか。( )

5. You’ve made it clear to everyone you are using as a source that you are a journalist doing journalism for public use. 

5. あらゆる情報提供者に対し、自分がジャーナリストであるということ、並びに公共利用(パブリックユース)の為の報道であることを明示しているか。( )

6. You have reason to think your sources are reliable if you have in fact relied on them to make your account truthful.

6.  報道を真実に基づくものとするため、使用した情報は信頼できるものであるという合理的な確信がある。( )

7. You are trying as hard as you can (within the constraints journalists labor under) to make certain that every fact you pass along is accurate: before, during and after production.

7.  製作前、製作時、製作後のいずれの過程においてもジャーナリストの領分で出来うる最大の範囲で確証ある事実を報道するよう心がけているか。( )

8. You deal in the verifiable, meaning that what you said happened could in theory be checked--verified--by someone else.  

8.  検証可能な報道を行っている、すなわち報道した事実は第三者によって確認できる論理的可能性があるか。( )

9. You’ve asked whether there is a substantial public interest in telling stories that are likely to also injure private persons.

9. 個人(の名誉)を傷つける可能性のあるストーリーであっても、市民の重大な関心事であること(又は公共の利益に適うこと)を確認したか。( )

10. You are not working for any interest other than the public’s interest in knowing what the hell happened.
and... (added later)

10.  「何が起きたかを把握したい」という公共の利益に質する作業であるという目的のみで作業に携わっているか。( )


11. You have credited those you borrowed from and made clear who originated any material you are re-using.

11. 「他者から引用(借用)した情報について、その出典を明示し、再利用した出典については、その原本著者を明示したか。( )


Original Text by Jay Rosen
Translated by Etranger



Click the title for the original post "The Journalists Formerly Known as the Media: My Advice to the Next Generation" by Prof. Jay Rosen

ニューヨーク大学ジャーナリズム学部のジェイ・ローゼン(Jay Rosen)助教授が、2010年9月パリ政治学院でジャーナリズムの学徒たちに向けて行った講義の内容が興味深い。とくに関心を引いた後半部分のみを抜粋して翻訳してみた。

The journalists formerly known as the media

The people formerly known as audience
「かつて聴衆と呼ばれた人々」(The people formerly known as audienceは、その存在と、誰もが知る地殻変動によるパワーシフトが起きていることを「メディア」に知らしめようとしている。船の乗客が、自身の船を持ったようなものだ。「執筆するリーダー(reader)」「カメラを構えたビュワー(viewer)」。かつては「核化」されていた「視聴者(audience)」たちが、いまでは容易に互いに繋がりあって、世界に自分の言葉を発信することができる。


なぜなら、「かつて聴衆と呼ばれた大衆」の誕生により、「かつてメディアと呼ばれたジャーナリスト」(The journalists formerly known as the mediaも誕生したからだ。私たちに代わってこの定義を見つけだす機会が、次の世代のジャーナリストの卵である君たちに委ねられている。



「かつてメディアと呼ばれたジャーナリスト」という概念について、もう少し掘り下げてみるとしよう。私がジャーナリズム学研究本の中で一番好きな言葉を使うとしよう。マスメディア研究で有名な英国の作家であり社会学者であるレイモンド・ウィリアムズ(Raymond Williams)のものだ。









1. 「リーダー」(readers)「ビュワー」(viewers)「リスナー」(listener)、「コンシューマー」(consumer)といった言葉を「ユーザー」("users")に置き換えること。

私は、「プラットフォーム中心」の考え方を極力なくすことが肝心だと思う。彼らに届けるツールに合わせて呼び名を変えるのではなく、単純に「ユーザー」と呼ぶのだ。デイヴ・ワイナー(Dave Winer)言うように「ユーザー」は、より活動的なアイデンティティを持つ。どのプラットフォームでも使えるし、さっきも言ったように、ユーザーをどのように捉えるかが、ジャーナリストとしての自分の有能さを決定付ける。

2. ユーザーは君たちよりはるかに物を知っている。これを忘れないこと。

これはダン・ギルモア(Dan Gilmour)の有名な宣言「私の読者は私より物事を知っている」My readers know more than I do)からヒントを得ている。つまり、集約的に捉えれば、受け手側の人々は、たった一人のジャーナリストよりもはるかにより多くの知識を得るし、より多くの接触があるし、より多くを経験するし、より多くのアイディアを持つということだ。これはずっと真理だった。1950年代も真理として通用した。だが、インターネットは、そういった人々、つまりジャーナリストよりも多くの物事を知っている人々が、実際に君たちに向き合ってリーチアウト(reach outして、その知識を届ける(そして教える)ことを可能にした。



3. ジャーナリズムの相互化という大きなパワーシフトが起きていることを認識すること。

これは、「ザ・ガーディアン」の編集長であるアラン・ラスブリッジャー(Alan Rusbridger)の考え方で、「相互化された報道組織」("the mutualized news organization")のことを意味する。




4. 人々が参加したくなるように物事を描くこと。




5. 誰でも「できる」からといって誰もが「する」わけではないということ。

ソーシャルメディアやネット行動学を学ぶ者ならば、「1パーセントの法則」one percent rule)は十分に認識していると思う。この法則は、オンライン上のあらゆる環境で観測されているからだ。

これは経験則に基づく新しい法則で、100人の人々がオンライン上に居たとしたら、そのうちの1人がコンテンツを創り、10人がコメントしたり、改善を提案するなどしてそのコンテンツとインタラクトする。残りの89人はただ閲覧するだけだ。つまりどういうことかというと、オンラインにあまり期待するなということだ。映画『フィールド・オブ・ドリームズ』の台詞じゃないが、「自分で創れば、彼らはやってくる」(if you build it, they will come)。




6. ジャーナリストは特別な階級ではないということ。

単に知識に明るい情報通の市民(just a heightened case of an informed citizenであるというだけで、ジャーナリズムは脳外科手術の執刀やボーイング747を操縦するような高等技術を必要とするわけではない。プロのジャーナリストは、どう情報を仕入れ、質問を投げ、ストーリーを語り、点と点を線で結ぶかを知っている。これは秘伝の技でも特殊技能でもない。どんな賢い一般市民でもできる、ちょっとした高等技術でしかない。この技術は、ディベートなどで記者に変わって一般市民が質問に立つときなどに垣間見ることができる。たいてい、彼らはプロのジャーナリストと同等あるいはそれ以上の技術を発揮する。


7. 私たちの権威は「私はここにいるが、貴方はここにいない。だから私が伝えてやろう」というこの一点に帰着すること。


プロのジャーナリストにとっても最も信頼に足る権威の源は、やはりジェームズ・キャリー(James W. Carey)がいうように「レポートすること」(発表ジャーナリズム)だ。自身がレポートしている時こそ、正にユーザーたちに向かって、「私はここにいるが、貴方はここにいない。だから私が伝えてやろう」と堂々と言える。






君たちの権威は、「仕事」をすること(when you do the workで初めて生じる。つまり、アマチュアやブロガーが同じ「仕事」をしたとしても、同じ権威が得られるのだ。人々を「パブリック」と見なすということは、恨みっこなしでその権威を彼らに認めるということだ。

8. 私たちは、どうにかして人々の要望を汲み取り、要望する術のない人々の要望に応えなければならないこと。







9. 信頼されたいのならば「曖昧な視点」の立場を取らないこと。

むしろ、どの立場からなのかを明確に伝えたほうがいい。人々を「パブリック」として扱うということは、彼らを「上から目線」で捉えないことを意味する。はっきりとした立場、利害、視点、あるいは学術的用語で申し訳ないが「状況付けられた自己 」(situated selfはないと主張するよりも、「ユーザー」と同じ目線に立って、自分の立場を明らかにすることだ。

デイビッド・ワインバーガー(David Weinger)が言うように、「透明性こそ新たな客観性である」"transparency is the new objectivity.")。「曖昧な視点」の立場をとらず、むしろ立場を明確にすれば「ユーザー」の信頼は勝ち取りやすい。


10. デトクヴィル(DeTocqueville)が言ったこと、すなわち「新聞がつながりを創り、つながりが新聞を創る」という言葉をじっくり噛みしめること。

フランス人のアレクシス・デトクヴィル(Alexis De Tooqueville)が、1830年代にアメリカを訪れたときに残したのが、「新聞がつながりを創り、つながりが新聞を創る」("newspapers make associations and associations make newspapers."という観察だった。彼はおそらくこう言いたかったのだろう。

「共通の関心があってそれを互いに話したいとき、それこそが優秀なジャーナリストにとって絶好の機会となる」(wherever people have a common interest and wish to discuss it, there lies an opportunity for a smart journalist.






Original Text by Jay Rosen
Translated by Etranger


超訳:再生する望み "Renewed Hope"

本稿は、6月20日付で英字誌The Diplomat公式ブログの『Tokyo Notes』に掲載された"Hatoyama's Naked Dance"という記事と、その元になった原稿を融合した“超訳”的試みです。The Diplomat掲載の原文についてはタイトルをクリックしてください。












この動画の中で、元総理が八ヶ月という短命政権の中でひた隠しにしてきたものが、デレク・シヴァーズ(Derek Sivers)という、デジタル音楽業界に革命をもたらした一人の若い有能な実業家によって、明らかにされた。(詳細:すみっち通信)



"The first follower is what transforms a 'lone nut' into a leader."
















Originally written and translated by Etranger

超訳:打ち砕かれた望み("Shattered Hopes")

本稿は、6月3日、米誌The Diplomat公式ブログの『Tokyo Notes』に掲載された"Shattered Hopes"という記事と、その元になった原稿を融合し、さらにこれまでツイッター上で行われた様々な議論を総合して行った“超訳”的試みです。The Diplomat掲載の原文についてはタイトルをクリックしてください。



「両政府は,オーバーランを含み,護岸を除いて1800mの長さの滑走路を持つ代替の施設をキャンプ・シュワブ辺野古崎地区及びこれに隣接する水域に設置す る意図を確認した。

「両政府は,二国間及び単独の訓練を含め,米軍の活動の沖縄県外への移転を拡充することを決意した。この関連で,適切な施設が整備されることを条件として, 徳之島の活用が検討される。」







「日米同盟が日本の防衛のみならず,アジア太平洋地域の平和,安全及び繁栄にとっても引き続き不可欠であることを再確認した。北東アジアにおける安全保障情 勢の最近の展開により,日米同盟の意義が再確認された。




共同通信によれば、 首相が辞任を表明するほんの1日前、米連邦議会は在沖海兵隊のグアム移転先費用を定める予算案(国防権限法案)の現行案のままでの採択を見送り、大幅な予算削減を求めたという。





「閣僚は,2009年2月17日の在沖縄海兵隊のグアム移転に係る協定(グアム協定)に定められたように,第三海兵機動展開部隊(MEF)の要員約8000 人及びその家族約9000人の沖縄からグアムへの移転は,代替の施設の完成に向けての具体的な進展にかかっていることを再確認した。グアムへの移転は,嘉 手納以南の大部分の施設の統合及び返還を実現するものである。」

記事が指摘するように、移転完了の大きな遅れが、「日米両政府が8月までに位置や工法を詰める 普天間移設の代替施設計画にも影響」するのは、間違いないだろう。






Originally written, translated, and super-translated by Etranger


"Renewed Hope" - as contributed to The Diplomat

This is an unedited original draft version of the article contributed to the Tokyo Notes blog of The Diplomat. For the professionally edited version of the article. Click the title. For a complete super-translated Japanese version, click here.

At last, he has spoken.

Several days after the inauguration of his successor, and a day before the closing of the regular session of the National Diet, former Prime Minister Hatoyama has finally spoken. Not on television, not in a magazine or newspaper article, but on the Twitter. Who was he tweeting to? To the nation, and to his "followers," followers in the sense of a follower of a leader, and not in the sense of the conventional Twitter lingo.

So what did he utter, after a short but complete silence? This (in Japanese only; tentative translation follows).

"Now the 'new public’ appears to have a life of its own. I thank all those who allowed me do the 'naked dance.' I also would like to thank all those who followed after my 'naked dance'. This amazing power of propagation would definitely change our world."

Naked dance, or hadaka odori in Japanese means that you make a fool out of yourself in public. So what did he mean here?

Many of his followers--in a conventional Twitter lingo--were puzzled, and many posed questions to him asking what he meant by "naked dance". Speculations were abound.

A day after his last tweet, Hatoyama tweets again; this time, with a link to a YouTube video, and a short message, saying this (in Japanese only; tentative translation follows):

"This video is the answer to the mystery of the 'naked dance'. It's the notion of the 'new public' where not only the public but the entire nation takes responsibility in leading public affairs. Within this mindset, I'd like to continue dancing like the young fellow in this video."

Action speaks louder than words.

(featured with Japanese subtitles)

This time, the video spoke louder, with much clarity on what he meant, and what he's been endeavoring to convey, than ever.

Hatoyama's tightly hidden intention throughout his record short eight-month term was revealed in this short video, presented by Derek Sivers, the young and successful entrepreneur who literally changed the scope of digital music industry.

Actually, several intellectuals speculated on Twitter that Hatoyama was only playing as a fool. Some were even determined that he must have a hidden agenda behind his seemingly convincing act of 'loopyness.'

As Sivers says in this TED video,

"The first follower is what transforms a 'lone nut' into a leader".

Many, including myself, thought this was just wishful thinking and that he would simply succumb to internal as well was external pressure to accept the original agreement on Futenma. And he did. But not without cause.

On Wednesday, Mainichi Shinbun’s series article entitled "The Reporter's Eye - Kisha No Me" (Japanese only) reported in detail what was being spoken among the two departing leaders, Secretary General Ozawa and Prime Minister Hatoyama, in the last breath of their administration.

According to the article, on the day when the new head of the government was being selected, Ozawa tapped on the shoulder of Rep. Hiroshi Kawauchi at the Lower House chamber (see my previous article for his role in the DPJ) and whispered into him the following words.

"So you've been to the Saipan Island. I'd like to sit down with you and hear more about it."

The report continued to pick on what Hatoyama said to Kawauchi as he came back to his seat. In response to Kawauchi's polite remark commending Hatoyama's work, the departing Prime Minister said the following, with a hint of sorrow.

"I think the answer is Tinian after all."

As he recalls these words, Kawauchi sensed they conveyed the regrettable feeling of Hatoyama, expressing his sorrow for not being able to realize the departure from the traditional U.S.-dependent security posture.

With these words, our hopes were renewed, regenerated, and strengthened. And a single tweet of a departing head of the government, reaffirmed our conviction.

This is the moment when the United States should rightly take an alarmist position; that the intent of the new administration is indeed to 'follow through' with the original agreement, which would inevitably bring forth a national-level resentment that Hatoyama has instilled with his 'naked dancing'.

No longer is international security a matter that would compromise the interest of the nation as a whole. Now, the interest of our people in Okinawa has become the interest of the entire nation. Their demand is simple and clear: respect of sovereign rights, or no deal.

In practice this would mean if the U.S. cannot 'follow through' with their May 28 commitment, then no deal.

In other words, the Marines in Futenma Air Station would be forced to transfer off the island of Okinawa, and off the sovereign territory of Japan, if the U.S. government do not commit to improving the safety standards as well as due regard to the local environment. This means, possible amendment to the Status of Force Agreement or SOFA.

So the story goes on, and the hope lives on.
In the end, hope prevailed, and not despair.

Originally written, and Japanese portion translated by Etranger


"Shattered Hope" - as contributed to The Diplomat

This is an unedited original draft version of the article contributed to the Tokyo Notes blog of The Diplomat. For the professionally edited version of the article. Click the title. For a complete super-translated Japanese version, click here.

The sudden and yet expected resignation of Prime Minister Hatoyama on Wednesday was a shock to the entire Japanese nation. Both supporters and the oppositions of the ailing Prime Minister were took by a great surprise. It shocked, most of all, the people of Okinawa and those who remained hopeful on the few days before the Judgment Day.

For them, the Judgment Day was not the day when Hatoyama made his announcement for resignation but the day when a new agreement was signed into by the U.S.-Japan Security Consultative Committee (SCC) on May 28th, 2010.

For many who remained hopeful on the last days before the signing and announcement of the new agreement, it only brought despair and disappointment, in particular, for the people of Nago City(Okinawa) and Tokunoshima(Kagoshima). The two locations were specified in the agreement to be the most potential candidates for the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma Air Station (MCAS) facility and its training functions.

"Both sides confirmed the intention to locate the replacement facility at the Camp Schwab Henoko-saki area and adjacent waters, with the runway portion(s) of the facility to be 1,800 meters long, inclusive of overruns, exclusive of seawalls."

"The two sides committed to expand the relocation of the U.S. forces activities, to include both bilateral and unilateral training, outside of Okinawa. In this regard, utilization of Tokunoshima will be considered, subject to development of appropriate facilities.

Both prefectures repeatedly rejected the request from the government and remained adamant. The agreement was a testament to these people that their government weighed the bilateral relationship over their demand, and hope.

Then came the resignation of the national leader. Their last hope was shattered.

For those who remained hopeful, the resignation was the acknowledgment from their leader that he cannot fight for the people suffering from the U.S. military presence in Japan. For them it was cowardice of the weak and indecisive Prime Minister to abandon his responsibilities to protect the interests and livelihood of the people he governs over the interest of national security and bilateral alliance.

In the end, national security prevailed. The preamble of the SCC agreement highlighted the renewed recognition in  both governments that "the U.S.-Japan Alliance remains indispensable not only to the defense of Japan, but also to the peace, security, and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region," owing to"(r)ecent developments in the security environment of Northeast Asia".

"... the U.S.-Japan Alliance remains indispensable not only to the defense of Japan, but also to the peace, security, and prosperity of the Asia-Pacific region. Recent developments in the security environment of Northeast Asia reaffirmed the significance of the Alliance. "

The suspected North Korean submarine attack changed the entire game. A single alleged torpedo destroyed not only the security equilibrium of the region but the hopes of the many.

And the game continues.

According to Kyodo, Capitol Hill rejected the relocation bill on the U.S. Marines in Okinawa, as-is, and demanded a major cut on the budget, just a day before the announcement of Prime Minister’s resignation.

According to an internal document obtained by Kyodo, the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee reduced the outlay of the budget by 70 percent of the government-proposed level, citing the Okinawa Prefecture governor's refusal to approve land reclamation plan for the proposed area in "Camp Schwab Henoko-saki area and adjacent waters" (as specified in the SCC agreement) as its reasons.

Many of the disgruntled hopefuls see this development as outright pressure against the Japanese negotiators that seek to finalize and follow through with the new SCC agreement.

Another recent development also strengthens this conviction.

Also according to another article by Kyodo, both the U.S. and Japanese governments are considering to postpone the transfer of some 8,552 marines and its 9,000 dependents from Okinawa to Guam "by three to five years from the originally scheduled 2014." This would of course alter the agreed time-line.

As the article reiterates, both governments have agreed that the relocation of the marines and its dependents are "dependent on tangible progress" on relocating the MCAS to another site in Okinawa. As the article points out, the delay could seriously affect the outcome of the replacement facility.

This would be another blow to those who are hopeful. The fact that these deals are not a one-sided matter but our government is also playing an integral part of it will further their conviction that they are being played around by both sides.

Synonymous to what we call in Japan as “kokumin fuzai no seiji” (politics without due consideration of the people), “kokumin fuzai no gaikou” (diplomacy without due consideration of the people) has completely shattered the hopes of many, with no one to blame but themselves for allowing the current administration into power. But resignation of its leader will not resolve this, nor would the change of the government, unless a dramatic change in U.S. overseas base policy is conceived to address the difficult task of managing a sustainable alliance.

Written by Etranger


Comment posted on CFR blog entry "Prime Minister Hatoyama’s Pursuit of Equity" by Dr. Sheila Smith

It is not clear whether this comment would be approved. It was posted over 24hrs ago but it has not appeared yet on the CFR blog. Regardless of whether my comment is approved or not, I will post a copy here for the record. For Dr. Smith's original article, click the title.

Dr. Smith. I have always respected your work and your sincere attitude and respectful work you have done on the U.S. base issue in Japan and Okinawa people in general. Having said that, I do have to point our your mistake in stating this, "tiny island prefecture that currently hosts 75% – yes, 75% – of the 45,000 or so U.S. military personnel in Japan."

As an expert of your caliber and prominence, you must know well that the number "75%" refers to the land area occupied by the U.S. bases in Okinawa and NOT the number of forces.

Also, in general, in Japan we only count the number of forces (footprint) and not including the dependents as the occupying forces (not meaning in the Cold War sense of "occupation", of course).

I've also noticed that Western media in general counts the force footprint in Japan as you do. But the numbers we obtain from the DoD suggests that the force footprint is less than 40,000 and that's the number our general public is aware of (to be precise, 35,965 according to DoD's Directorate for Information Operations and Reports)

I would suggest that you correct these information, or at least clarify so that a wrong message--that Western experts are not aware of the facts and figures--will NOT be propagated.

Written by Etranger


超訳:望みを託す人々("Still Hopeful for the Future of the Nation")

本稿は、昨日、米誌The Diplomat公式ブログの『Tokyo Notes』に寄稿し掲載された"Still Hopeful"という筆者執筆の記事と、その元になった原案を融合し、さらにこれまでツイッター上で行われた様々な議論を総合して行った、いわば“自己超訳”的な試みです。The Diplomat寄稿の原文についてはタイトルをクリックしてください。元になった原案はコチラをクリック













こうした動きについて懐疑的な論者は、グアム・テニアンのいずれも、全ての在沖海兵隊員とその扶養家族を受け入れる能力を有していないとして、いまやすっかり有名になった、DEIS(海外環境影響準備書)とよばれる米軍の報告書(具体的には国防総省米海軍省所属のグアム統合計画部JGPOによる報告書)の“たたき台” をベースに反論を展開する。とくにテニアン諸島については、その収容能力や生活インフラの不備、そして本格的軍事利用には適していないが訓練地としては適しているとして、移設候補地から外されたと評価する、DEISの内容を引用して否定する。しかしこれに対する地元の反応は単純明瞭だ。

"NO, WE CAN"(いや、我々は受け入れることができる)


米軍グアム統合計画に基づくマスタープラン策定過程におけるDEISの位置付けを示す防衛省資料(PDF, p.28を参照)



















Originally written, translated, and super-translated by Etranger


"Still Hopeful for the Future of the Nation" - as contributed to The Diplomat

This is an unedited original draft version of the article contributed to the Tokyo Notes blog of The Diplomat. For the professionally edited version of the article. Click the title. For a complete super-translated Japanese version, click here.

In just a couple of days, the Hatoyama Administration will officially announce the content of its agreement with the United States government: a new agreement on the relocation of the “dangerous” aerial operations from the increasingly controversial U.S. Marine Corps Futenma Air Station site, which could also affect the U.S. plans to relocate 8,500 additional Marines and 9,000 dependents off to the Guam according to the existing agreement signed in 2006.

Media reports as well as the second visit to Okinawa by Prime Minister Hatoyama last Sunday indicate that the potential new location of the U.S. Marines would be in the "vicinity" of Henoko area of Nago City, where "there is not an overwhelming support" to accept the construction of a new base, according to Dr. Sheila. A. Smith, Senior Fellow at the Council of Foreign Relations.

In the follow-up interview to Dr. Smith’s official blog entry at the CFR website that captured the eyes of many 'hopeful' Japanese, TV Asahi's news show Hodo Station re-captured the 'hope' that was instilled by her blog entry; a hope that Prime Minister Hatoyama and his counterpart in Washington is seeking to reach a compromise, which in Smith's words would "allow U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma to be shut down."

People in Japan who supports the Hatoyama Administration are still hopeful that the relatively young DPJ administration will somehow re-negotiate with the U.S. government a deal that will redeem the sense of national pride, as well as local pride of the Okinawans. Their hopes reside in the possibility that the government may be negotiating with the Obama Administration on a future plan to relocate the entire Marine forces out of the national territory of Japan.

Accompanied by the deep recognition of clear changes in the “political dynamic of Okinawa,” Dr. Smith's recent interview, as well as these words on her blog, reaffirms this sense of hope.

"Okinawa should not be asked to bear the full burden of the U.S.-Japan alliance, and Japan’s Prime Minister will need to move operations of U.S. forces off-island."

Although Dr. Smith is clearly not asking the American side but the Japan side to consider the need to move the operations off the island of Okinawa, such a remark coming from one of the prominent policymaking brains of the Obama Administration brings strong hope to the Japanese people. And this hope is not without a cause.

A few DPJ members and the coalition partners in the government have been active in bringing this cause into national focus. Led by DPJ Representative Hiroshi Kawauchi, a group of multi-party policymakers recently made a trip to the U.S. territory of Marianas as well as Guam to seek possible acceptance of the relocation of U.S. Marines in Okinawa to their territories.

The governors of CNMI (Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands) and Guam, reportedly accepted the offer and even embarked on their own attempt to meet Prime Minister Hatoyama in person, though it ended unsuccessful. The governors had their reasons to support the Japanese policymaker's initiative, especially in order to bring Japan to its aid in taking a hold of the funds in which their access is forbidden by the U.S. federal government. The strong conviction of Guam's Governor Felix P. Camacho was indicated in his letter to Prime Minister (PDF) which was immediately made available on the web.

Last month, the both houses of the CNMI legislature also showed its support by unanimously adopting a resolution which "encourages the U.S. Department of Defense and Japanese officials to consider Tinian as the “best location” to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station at Futenma in Ginowan in the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan." (House, Senate)

Critics to these initiatives argue that neither Guam nor the Tinian islands have the capacity to accept in entirety the infusion of over 8,000 U.S. Marines and its 9,000 dependants, and cite the now famous draft military report or DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) that points out the fact that the Tinian islands in particular has been taken off the list of possible relocation sites, precisely due to its capacity, poor infrastructure, and inadequacy for a full-fledged military use except for training purposes. However, local reaction to this is,  "NO, WE CAN."

Many people of the islands in both sides of the Pacific, in Japan and in the Marianas, still hold onto the hope until the very last day that the U.S. and Japanese government will eventually come to an agreement that hosting the vast majority of U.S. forces in Okinawa on a permanent or even semi-permanent basis, is no longer a realistic policy option.

As CFR's Dr. Smith has pointed out in her "reality check" article, the two alliance partners must come to terms with the new reality, that the focus of the issue has changed. That the issue is not how feasible Japan's alternatives are to the U.S. demands, but to adapt to the changed reality of a respected alliance partner.

"It is time to recognize the need for Tokyo and Washington to make some very hard choices."

And as Sen. Kunioka Tanioka (DPJ) remarked on her recent visit to Washington , it is now Washington's turn to come to terms with the reality, and tackle the problem as ‘their’ problem.

"It seems to us Japanese that Obama is saying ‘You do it, you solve, it's your problem,'"

It 's now time for both sides of the alliance to acquiesce and acknowledge that it is ‘our’ problem; that to sustain the alliance, they both need to come to terms with the new political reality. The Japanese people still holds high hope in the culmination of the talks, not only for the Okinawans, but for the future of the sovereign nation of Japan as well.

Written by Etranger